A short introduction
We are Nedlloyd Pension fund:
- Since January 1, 2020, Nedlloyd Pension Fund has been a closed fund. This means that no more pension contributions are paid into the fund and pensions are only managed and paid out.
- 6,238 members receive pension benefits from us. You are probably thinking of a retirement pension, but we also provide a pension if you become incapacitated for work, or for your next of kin if you are no longer with us.
- 2,626 former members still have pensions with us.

Our goal
Since 1971, Nedlloyd Pension fund has managed all the pensions of employees who worked at one of the companies belonging to the former Royal Nedlloyd, or who work at one of the affiliated companies.
Our goal is to administer the pension scheme carefully and cost-effectively. Safeguarding your pension and your interests therein is the most important starting point.
Nedlloyd Pension Fund is a foundation. This means that making a profit is not our goal.
Selection guidance
With regards to both the legal obligations and NPF’s overarching mission, vision, and goals, will NPF offer guidance for making adequate choices to people who are reaching their entitlement for pension.
Given the distribution of incapacitated and inactive participants versus the people who already reap the benefits of their pension entitlements as well as the recently expressed trust in the fund, it does not seem balanced to make material investments for selection guidance. NPF will comply with the minimum standards as referred to by the open norm for selection guidance. NPF will provide an explanation of the various choices to be made. Herewith it is envisioned to prevent people from making choices with an undesirable or negative effect.
Based on the actual demand for guidance, and in the light of the future developments, NPF will evaluate whether the offering of guidance is effective and sufficient for maintaining the level of trust in the fund.
Administrative organization
The administrative organization supports the executive board members in policy preparation and executive tasks in the areas of risk management, asset management, pension regulations, communication and external accountability.
The pension fund has outsourced parts of its business processes to third parties. The administrative organization monitors these parties and reports on them to the executive board members and the board.
staff administrative organizationThe pension fund board
Nedlloyd Pension fund has a board consisting of seven board members of which five are non-executive board members and two are executive board members. The non-executive board members consist of:
- an independent chairman;
- one member representing an employer;
- one member representing employees;
- and two members representing pensioners.
The executive board members consist of the Chief Executive Officer/Chief Investment Officer and the Chief Financial and Risk Officer of the Pension fund.
Who are the board members?Accountability body
The Board is accountable to the Accountability body.
The Accountability body checks whether the Board of Trustees is implementing the policy properly and within the agreements and frameworks made, and whether it balances the interests of all the members. The Accountability body also has the right to provide the Board with solicited and unsolicited advice. The Accountability body also has the power to express an opinion about the actions of the Board of Trustees, the policy implemented by the Board of Trustees and the policy choices for the future. The opinion, together with the executive board's response to it, can be found annually in the annual report.
Members of the accountability bodySupervision and control
Various internal and external parties supervise and monitor the pension fund.
Internal control: accountability body, Supervisory Board, key functionaries and the compliance officer.
External control: De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) and an auditor and actuary.
Who supervise and control?