
23 July 2024


Personal pension statement 2024 available

Every year you receive a personal pension statement from your pension fund: the Uniform Pension Statement (UPO).
9 January 2024


Increase in pensions by 2024

We have news. As of Jan. 1, 2024, we are increasing all pensions or pension entitlements!
25 September 2023


Personal pension statement 2023 available

28 August 2023


New independent chairman of the board

Jacco Heemskerk is the new independent chairman of the pension fund.
25 July 2023


Ton Zimmerman appointed to accountability body

The board of the Vereniging Deelnemers Nedlloyd Pensioenfonds (DNP) has nominated Ton Zimmerman for appointment as a member of the accountability body on behalf of the pensioners.
29 June 2023


Selection guidance

With regards to both the legal obligations and NPF’s overarching mission, vision, and goals, will NPF offer guidance for making adequate choices to people who are reaching their entitlement for pension.
29 June 2023


New choice at retirement: lump sum withdrawal postponed again

Withdraw up to 10% of your pension in one go upon retirement.
5 January 2023


Pension increases from 2023

We have good news. From 1 January 2023, we will increase all pensions or pension entitlements!
5 January 2023


Welcome to the new website of Nedlloyd Pension Fund

Welcome to the new website of Nedlloyd Pension Fund
30 December 2022


Pension Paper Winter 2022

The Pension Paper Winter 2022 has been published on the Nedlloyd Pensioenfonds website.