Funding ratios

The funding ratio shows the relationship between how much capital we have and the pension liabilities. The assets consist of the contributions we receive and the returns we make on our investments. The liabilities are the pensions we have to pay now and in the future. How high the liabilities are depends, among other things, on the interest rate and life expectancy.

There are two types of funding ratios

  • Market interest funding ratio
    The market interest funding ratio is calculated based on the 'market interest rate'. This is the interest rate that is currently applicable. Because the interest rate can have major consequences for the financial situation of Nedlloyd Pension Fund, it is good to keep an eye on the market interest rate as well. 
  • Policy funding ratio
    The policy funding ratio is the average of the last 12 monthly funding ratios as determined in accordance with De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). This uses a certain 'actuarial interest rate' set by DNB. Because the policy funding ratio is an average, it does not rise and fall as quickly from month to month as the current market interest funding ratio. As a result, the policy funding ratio gives a more stable picture of the financial situation.


  Policy funding ratio Market interest funding ratio
December 119.1% 116.3%
November 119.3% 118.2%
Oktober 119.4% 117.7%
September 119.6% 119.0%
August 119.8% 119.5%
July 120.0% 120.0%
June 120.1% 120.7%
May 120,1% 120.5%
April 120.1% 120.2%
March 120.1% 119.4% 
February 120.2% 119.4%
Januari 120.4% 118.4%


  Policy funding ratio Market interest funding ratio
December 120,6% 118,5%
November 120.8% 119.9%
October 122.4% 120.3%
September 124.2% 121.6%
August 125.7% 120.9%
July 127.2% 121.7%
June 128.4% 120.9%
May 129.7% 120.6%
April 131.0% 120.3%
March 132.3% 120.4%
February 133.5% 121.8%
January 134.2% 120.9%



  Policy funding ratio Market interest funding ratio
December 134.9% 120.5%
November 135.6% 139.6%
October 134.7% 140.9%
September 133.7% 139.8%
August 132.7% 139.3%
July 131.7% 135.4%
June 130.9% 136.5%
May 130.1% 135.7%
April 129.2% 135.5%
March 128.3% 132.7%
February 127.5% 130.0%
January 126.7% 128.1%