If you change employers and thereby move to another pension plan, you can choose to take your accrued pension with you. We call this value transfer. You do this with your new pension administrator. Be well informed about this in advance. Whether value transfer is a good choice depends, among other things, on the financial situation of your current and your new pension provider.
If you decide not to request a value transfer, your pension will remain with Nedlloyd Pension Fund and will be paid out to you on your retirement date.
Is your accrued pension higher than €594.89 per year?
Then you decide whether to take your pension with you. This may be beneficial, for example, if your new employer has a better pension plan. Or maybe you want all your pensions with one administrator. Let your new pension administrator know that you want to take your pension with you. The transfer of your pension can be arranged with your new pension administrator. Do you not want to take your pension with you? Then your pension will remain with Nedlloyd Pension Fund. Would you like help making your choice? We will be happy to help you.